About PPGEP-So

The academic Master of the Graduate Program in Production Engineering at campus Sorocaba (PPGEP-So) from UFSCar, aims at training researchers to act in the field of Operations Management, which encompasses the existing interfaces of management and technology. Thus, the objectives of the graduate program are:

  • Promoting the theoretical deepening in themes regarding production management and technology, supporting the development of solutions to current problems experienced by the productive sectors.
  • Training human resources to apply concepts and techniques of production management that stimulate sustainable growth.
  • Providing mechanisms that assist the productive sector in meeting the social-economical function, seeking efficiency in processes and products.

The PPGEP-SO is currently formed by the research field of Management of Production Systems, which aims at generating and spreading knowledge about planning, implementation, and management of production systems at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels. Thus, the research projects involve the conception and study of supporting tools to the planning, programming and control of production and logistics, also taking in themes of work, sustainability, and organizational engineering. The main research topics are: http://www.ppgeps.ufscar.br/research-areas