Historical Background


The Graduate Program in Production Engineering (PPGEP-So) from the Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar) started in 2011. PPGEP-So is located in the Sorocaba Metropolitan Area, which concentrates a population of 1.7 million inhabitants in 26 municipalities, and also hosts the Sorocaba Technology Park. The local economy is based on industrial, commercial, and service sectors, with more than 22 thousand companies – most of them related to the automotive industry.

 The program is interdisciplinary in the context of production engineering and “Operations Management” is an area within PPGEP-So, which aims both at meeting the growing demands from local and regional activities and the interests of graduates from different parts of the country and from abroad. Therefore, the program provides flexibility for research development and training of intellectual capital for the technological development of the Brazilian society.

Our goal is to provide the market with engineers able to work in production planning and in excellence and competitiveness services.