Scholarship Commission

The Scholarship Commission of PPGEP-So is formed by two Student Representatives, the Graduate Program coordinator, and a representative of the faculty members. It is assigned to the commission to observe the norms of funding agencies and looking after their upholding, examining the scholarship requisitions under the lights of the established criteria, and monitoring the academic performance of scholarship holders.

Regarding scholarship availability: Usually there are two categories of Scholarships in the Graduate Program: institutional scholarships, provided to PPGEP-So by funding agencies, and scholarships belonging to Research Projects, sourced by collective and individual projects and research of licensed faculty members from PPGEP-So. This second category depends on the initiative of each professor along with funding agencies, such as CNPq (National Council of Scientific and Technological Development) and FAPESP (Foundation for Research Aid of the State of São Paulo). The institutional scholarships are granted according to the ranking of candidates in the PPGEP-So Selection Process, while scholarships for research projects are granted directly by the responsible Professors.

Current composition:

Representation Name
Teacher Representative Profa. Phd. Virgínia Aparecida da Silva Moris (President)
Teacher Representative Profa. Phd. Patrícia Saltorato (Vice President)
Student Representative -
PPGEP-So Coordinator Prof. Phd. João Eduardo Azevedo Ramos da Silva