Advanced Management of Production Systems (EPS201)

Course Load/Credits: 120 hours/8,0.

The Hierarchical Levels of Production Planning
Strategic Network Planning
Models for Supply Chain Network Design
Master Planning
Production Planning Models and Systems
Production Planning and Scheduling
Integrated models in Operations Management

1 – STADTLER, H.; KILGER, C. Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning: Concepts, Models, Software and Case Studies. Springer, Third Edition, New York, 2014.
2 - POCHET, Y.; WOLSEY, L.A. Production Planning by Mixed Integer Programming. Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering, New York, 2006.
3 - DASKIN, M. S. Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms and Applications. [s.l.] A Wiley-Interscience Publication, 1995.